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Rich-Text Editor in Lightswitch



do you have a sample for using the silverlight Rich-Text Editor Control in Lightswitch? I would like to use it bind to an entity property.

Thanks and regards,


3 Replies

DY Deivaselvan Y Syncfusion Team June 14, 2013 10:05 AM UTC

Hi Lorenz,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

Regarding your requirement to utilize Silverlight RTE control in Light Switch:

We have prepared a sample to illustrate the same by adding Silverlight Office UI Demo sample as custom control for light switch application. Please find the sample from below link.

Sample link:

Regarding your requirement to bind Entity to RTE control:

For binding with XAMLText/HTMLText property, please note that these 2 property will not be updated dynamically on each modifications done in RichTextBoxAdv, rather it will be updated only on accessing the XAMLText/HTMLText property (In Getter method). So make use of LayoutUpdated event, to get the content modifications done by the user in RichTextBoxAdv control and update the XAMLText to XAMLContent of view model.

Note: RichTextBoxAdv control has its own flow document structure which is different from Microsoft flow document. Hence RTE control doesn’t accept other XAML structure which isn’t compliant with it.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


VP Victor Perez July 13, 2015 08:47 PM UTC


Example provided this does not make the main part of the implementation, it is the connection with LS Layer Data.

As if that connection happen?

Victor Perez

AP Arumuga Perumal S Syncfusion Team July 14, 2015 12:54 PM UTC

Hi Victor,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

Could you please share us more information regarding your requirement? So that we can analyze on it and provide you with proper solution?

Arumuga Perumal S.

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