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Dynamic Filter - How to: Make search case insensative and change default search from StartsWith to Contains?

I am struggling with an evaluation of Sync Fusion.  The software seems great, but figuring out how to do things is very hard.
The documentation seems thin, and the forums often have links to code which do not work (The Links, not the code).
Anyway, I have a GridGroupingControl, with a wired GridDynamicFilter.  I would like to do two things to the filter.
1) change the search functions to be case insensative.  If the Column has FreeAgent, I want hte user to be able to search for freeagent and filter to the record with FreeAgent.
2) I want to set the default operator for all columns to Match (which appears to function like a contains operator) instead of StartsWith.
A pointer to how I would figure this out from documentation/forums/smaples would be best.  i.e. Teach me to fish.
Second best would be code that accomplished these two tasks i.e. Give me a fish :-)

1 Reply

AS Athiram S Syncfusion Team June 5, 2013 05:36 AM UTC

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Products.

1) I have analysed your query and performed the filtering operation with a sample at the following location:

<Installed Location of EssentialStudio>\<Installed Version>\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Filters and Expressions\Dynamic Filter Demo

I was able to get the filtered items without any issue of case sensitivity. The Operator "Match" is case - sensitive and the operator "Like" is case-insensitive.

2)Please make  use of the following link in order to use default operator for filter.

Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Athiram S

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