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DataGridControl with realTime DataFeed

Dear All,
i built a real time datagridcontrol with high rate of updates i used observableCollection<dynamic> object  as a datasource ... also i build the grid columns with list<Field> where filed is an object with the column name and information ..
i want to know the best practice to build this grid and enable the flashing and sorting on it


1 Reply

RG Rajasekar G Syncfusion Team May 13, 2013 07:00 PM UTC

Hi  Mohamed,


Thanks for the patience.


We have analyzed your query and you can achieve your requirement by using the following code snippet.


Code snippet[C#]:

void AssociatedObject_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    //Enable the Sorting in GridDataControl
    this.AssociatedObject.AllowSort = true;
    //Animate the Cell 
    var Table = this.AssociatedObject.Model.TableStyle as GridStyleInfo;
    Table.IsBackGroundAnimationEnabled = true;
    Table.BackgroundAnimationFromColor = Colors.SpringGreen;
    Table.BackgroundAnimationToColor = Colors.Turquoise;



And also we have prepared the sample based on this and it can be download from the following location.


Sample Location: StockExchangeDemo.zip


Please let us know if you have any questions.




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