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Different series

is it possible to have a chart with a lineseries ans a bubbleseries?
Could you provide a XAML example?

Also How can i force the refresh of the data? I have a listview that exposes an observable collection of T. T exposes a observable collection of x. The series is bound to x. When I first select a T the series is drawn. if I move to another T the correct series is drawn. If I move back to any previously selected Ts the chart is empty.



1 Reply

KV Karthikeyan V Syncfusion Team April 30, 2013 04:52 PM UTC

Hi Alberto,

Thanks for using Syncfusion Products.

Query 1: Difference series

We are glad to inform you that, you can achieve your requirement by applying LineSeries and Bubble Series in a chart as shown in the given code snippet.

Code Snippet [Xaml]:

<chart:LineSeries XBindingPath='Year' YBindingPath='Val1' ItemsSource='{Binding power}'>


<chart:BubbleSeries   XBindingPath='Year' YBindingPath='Val1' Size='Val3' ItemsSource='{Binding power}' MinimumRadius='10' MaximumRadius='15' >


We have prepared the sample based on your requirement. Please find it in the given below location.

Query 2: Regarding ItemSource issue.

You have created new incident regarding this query. We have addressed the response for this query. Please follow up about this query details in incident.


Karthikeyan V.


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