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child grid stops loading data when virtual scrolling is used

We are defined child grid as follows:
.ChildGrid(child =>
        .Caption("Active Protocols Details")

        .Column(c =>
            c.Add(p => p.ProtocolNumber);
            c.Add(p => p.Title);


        .Mappers(map =>
            map.Action("ChildGrid", new { ProtocolNumber = "${ProtocolNumber}" });
virtual scrolling is enabled in parent grid using following code:
                   .Scrolling(scroll =>


The action result is defined as follows:
public ActionResult ChildGrid(PagingParams args, string ProtocolNumber)
             USABILITYEntities entities = new USABILITYEntities();
when we run the application, the child rows show up initially but when we scroll the rows using virtual scrolling, incorrect protocol number gets passed in the protocol number and the child rows stop showing up. 

can someone from the syncfusion team point to the solution for this problem?

1 Reply

HJ Hariharan J V Syncfusion Team April 30, 2013 12:41 PM UTC

Hi Neha,

Thanks for using Syncfusion product.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Currently this feature is not feasible.

Please let us know if you have any other concerns.



Hariharan J.V.



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