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Problems changing size of popped up window

I want to be able to change the size of a popup window when it is popped up. Basically the popup works like the autocomplete function supplied by SF (with some other informational controls). I want to resize this PopupContainerControl when its contents changes. However if i just set the Size property then I get redraw issues. in fact, if I do the following in the textchanged event for the parent control: popup.Size = new Size(300,300); popup.Size = new Size(200,200); popup.Size = new Size(100,100); then i end up with ghost images of 300x300 and 200x200. I know it must be possible to resize the popupcontainer because the AutoComplete feature allows you to resize the window. i''ve tried calling Refresh() but that made no difference. how can i do this? perhaps it would help to see an example of how to make a resizable popupcontrolcontainer. there isnt one in the development center examples

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 13, 2004 08:45 PM UTC

Hi Simon, Please refer to the sample application attached here. The PopupControlContainer can be resized to desired size by the specifying the height and width in the IntegerTextBoxes at the bottom and clicking Resize buton. This works fine here without any painting issues. Let me know if I have understood your requirements correctly. If not, I would appreciate if you could modify the sample to show the error and send it back to us so that we could further investigate it. Also let me know the version of Essential Suite and OS that you are using. Thanks for your cooperation. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 13, 2004 10:06 PM UTC

Thanks for the example. I have modified it to show you the problem I am having. Just click ''Show'' and then ''make smaller''. You will see the popup gets smaller (i added a border), but it is not updated. In my actual application the size change is triggered by a text change in the parent textbox, but the problem is the same here. I know it must be possible somehow because your ''AutoComplete'' feature for textboxes presumably uses this popup container control. That tool has a resizable corner which I cant see an example of how to do. Thsnks -Simon PCC_resize_v2_6143.zip >Hi Simon, > >Please refer to the sample application attached here. The PopupControlContainer can be resized to desired size by the specifying the height and width in the IntegerTextBoxes at the bottom and clicking Resize buton. This works fine here without any painting issues. Let me know if I have understood your requirements correctly. If not, I would appreciate if you could modify the sample to show the error and send it back to us so that we could further investigate it. > >Also let me know the version of Essential Suite and OS that you are using. > >Thanks for your cooperation. > > >Regards, >Guru Patwal >Syncfusion, Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 16, 2004 10:18 PM UTC

Hi Simon, Thanks for the modified sample. I was able to recreate the above mentioned error here, and have notified the development team in this regard. Please open an incident in Direct Trac on this issue, and I will keep you updated regarding the developments. We appreciate your feedback, and thanks for choosing Syncfusion products. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 17, 2004 12:50 PM UTC

Hi Simon, When the PopupControlContainer is being shown, it is being hosted by a Form (PopupHost). So when you resize the PopupControlContainer while it is showing, you should also resize its Parent Form as shown in the code below : this.popupControlContainer1.Size = new Size(this.popupControlContainer1.Width - 30, this.popupControlContainer1.Height - 30); this.popupControlContainer1.PopupHost.Size = new Size(this.popupControlContainer1.PopupHost.Width - 30, this.popupControlContainer1.PopupHost.Height - 30); I have also modified the above sample accordingly and attached it here. Please let me know if this works for you. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

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