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How to resolve the Syncfusion Essential QTP play back issues in frame work 4.0 of 64 bit machine ?

How to resolve the Syncfusion Essential QTP play back issues in frame work 4.0 of 64 bit machine ?

                The issue is occurs due the CustomBridge.dll is loaded in the .Net 2 CLR. When this assembly tries to load your .Net 4 assemblies it fails since it is trying to load a .Net 4 assembly in the .Net 2 CLR. Due to this the QTP doesn’t play back for 4.0 frame work application. We can resolve this issue using the following workaround. Please follow the following steps.

Step 1:

Please download the new QtComFactoryU.dll from the below link and replace the old QtComFactoryU.dll in the HP QTP installation location “<install location>HP/Quick Test Profession/bin” with the new QtComFactoryU.dll.

Download Link: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/Support/DirectTrac/General/QtComFactoryU%20-%20Copy363727751.zip

Step 2:

Open the registry and search the string “QtComFactoryU.dll “.You can find the 5 distinct keys with this string.

Step 3:

For each such key, we need to modify the “RuntimeVersion” value. Right click on “RuntimeVersion”. Then click the modify option and replace the existing “v1.1.4322” with the string “v4.0.30319”.

Step 4:

Now close all QTP application properly and restart the system and now run the HP QTP. Now you can able to record and play back the 4.0 frame work application in HP QTP 11.

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