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Tileview Control not showing all itmes

I am facing another issue with tileview control.

when i have 107 items in the Collection which is set at to TileView Control, tileview showing only 83 items.

in other case where i have around 70 items it showing around 55 items.

is there a limitation of items for tile view control. if not then how can i fix this issue

10 Replies

KL Karthikeyan L Syncfusion Team March 1, 2013 12:18 PM UTC

Hi Mahesh,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

There is no limitation in adding items with tile view. We are able to reproduce the issue that tile view not showing all items in view. We will fix the issue and the fix for the issue will be included in our upcoming release.

Please let us know if you have any concerns,

Karthikeyan L.

IS Ihab Salem March 4, 2013 04:00 PM UTC

I am using this control in an app which is already in the store

Next update will be in three months time ..this is really not acceptable taking into account this control is no longer in beta - this is a basic bug -

KL Karthikeyan L Syncfusion Team March 5, 2013 12:31 PM UTC

Hi Ihab,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

A problem in our measure algorithm caused few items to be hidden. We have fixed the issue and you can get the updated assemblies from the below location.

[Assembly link]: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/Support/DirectTrac/General/

Please replace the assembly under the following folder.

[Installed drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies for WinRT\

Please let us know if you have any concerns.


IS Ihab Salem March 5, 2013 03:43 PM UTC

Many thanks for the prompt reply and fix! - it shows a company that cares for its customers

MM Mahesh Mitkari March 6, 2013 06:43 PM UTC

HI Karthikeyan
i did replace the assembly given by you, but I am still facing same issue... its not showing all items in my collection.
i cleared my solution, deleted all old files from my project bin, removed ref and added it again still it showing same issue.
also the no of items it ignore changes randomly some time it shows 70 items, sometimes 75 or sometimes 81 items out of 87 items.
i am attaching screen snaps. please check.

TileView Issue 1_ab849ee1.zip

MM Mageshyadav M Syncfusion Team March 7, 2013 06:49 AM UTC

Hi Mahesh,


We are unable to reproduce the issue on our side with the provided assemblies in March 5th 2013 update.


The locations to place the assemblies is not same for assemblies reference and SDK references, hence please find the locations for both assemblies and SDK references below to replace the provided assemblies,


For Assemblies Reference :


Please replace all the files provided in March 5th 2013 update under the following location,


[Installed drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies for WinRT\


For SDK Reference :


Please replace the dll file and xml file provided under the following location,


[Installed drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\SDK\References\CommonConfiguration\neutral


Please replace the pri file and Syncfusion.SfTileView.WinRT folder provided under the following location,


[Installed drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\SDK\Redist\CommonConfiguration\neutral


Please let us know whether the issue resolved on your side after placing assemblies in the above provided locations.


Please let us know if you have any queries.




MM Mahesh Mitkari March 7, 2013 11:28 AM UTC

thanks for reply, i replaced  it at all locations as per your response and its working now BUT new DLL create another issue... please ref. attached snap now it showing contents at centre of control, even after i set content alignment Top still it showing content at centre of page.
if i use old DLL then it shows at top but if i use new one then it shows middle of control. can you please check and let me know what to do.
Thank you


MM Mageshyadav M Syncfusion Team March 8, 2013 09:05 AM UTC

Hi Mahesh,

We are able to reproduce the reported alignment issue. This issue arises only when Height property of TileView is set along with alignment properties and you can avoid this issue in your sample by removing the Height property settings.

We have resolved this alignment issue internally in our source  and the fix will be available in our upcoming release.

Please let us know if you have any queries.



MM Mahesh Mitkari March 10, 2013 08:15 PM UTC

HI Mageshyadav
thanks for response
if you have fixed this issue then can you please share updated DLL with me so that i can use it in my application.
since my App is live on store, i can not wait till next release. their is major issue of No of items, and i need to fix it asap before someone identify it.
so just like last time please share updated DLL.
thank you.

KL Karthikeyan L Syncfusion Team March 11, 2013 05:53 AM UTC

Hi Mahesh,


The alignment issue with the Tab control was fixed, please download the assemblies for the fix under the following link.


[Assembly link]: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/Support/DirectTrac/General/


Please replace the assemblies under the following location


For assembly’s reference:


[Installed drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies for WinRT\


For SDK reference:


[Installed drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\SDK\Redist\CommonConfiguration\neutral


Please let us know if you have any queries.




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