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Open and edit docx file (WinRT app)

I am using Essential Studio for WinRT Xaml. In my app I need to open and edit a docx file and than save it - i want just simple editing - nothing more, but I've never used this before and now I am using the trial version because I need it for just this project. So I will be really thankful if you give me something like tutorials or some directions- TNX in advice.  

1 Reply

GT Gunasekaran T Syncfusion Team February 27, 2013 12:17 PM UTC

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

Currently in WinRT SfRichTextBoxAdv control we do provide limited support as RichTextViewer (Non editable) to view
formatted rich-text content, view
*.doc *.docx, and *.rtf format files in Windows Store apps. SfRichTextBoxAdv control does not have support to edit and save the documents. We do have plans to add unsupported features incrementally in our future releases based on feature importance. We will let you know once this feature has been implemented.

As a workaround we have prepared the Windows Store app to open, edit and save document in Non UI and UI mode.
1. Windows Store app to open, edit and save document in Non UI mode. Open the docx input file using DocIO, find and replace text internally using DocIO, then save as docx file.
2. Windows Store app to open, edit and save document in UI mode using DocIO and Microsoft RichEditBox (To edit contents). Open the docx input file using DocIO, populate the contents in Microsoft RichEditBox for editing, save the RichEditBox contents as rtf format stream and save the rtf format stream to docx file using DocIO.

Please do find the sample from the attachment for your reference. Try the attached sample and let us know if this helps you.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.



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