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setting empty value or whitespace to numerictextbox and maxvalue of numerictextbox from javascript.

How we can set whitespace or empty value.?
How we can set max value of numerictextbox from javascript,
Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

VR Varalakshmi R.S Syncfusion Team February 22, 2013 10:57 AM UTC

Hi Devendar,


Thanks for contacting Syncfusion forums.


Query: How we can set whitespace or empty value.?

This can be achieved by assigning null value to the control using “Value(null)” or using its client side API “setValue()”. Assigning “Null” value to the NumericTextBox is supported only from v10.3. So, could you please upgrade to latest Essential Studio release volume1, 2013 if your version is below v10.3 or kindly create an incident if you would require patch for this in your specific version.



@Html.Syncfusion().NumericTextBox("num1”) .Value(null)





$find("num1").setValue(null);// num1 is control id



Query: How we can set max value of numerictextbox from javascript

Client side API method “set_maxValue” can be used to achieve this functionality.






Kindly try the solution and let us know if it helps.




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