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Windows Forms SkinManager sample app question

I am trying to learn what is possible using the SkinManager control (Windows Forms).  When I run the sample app, it looks different from how the example screenshot in your doc looks.  Specifically, the form title/caption looks as I would hope in your screenshot, but when I run the sample it looks like a basic Windows form.  See attached image file for a comparison - how can I get the sample form to look like the screen on the left side in the image instead of like the screen on the right side?

SkinManager screenshots_7cf71a06.rar

1 Reply

CR Chandran R Syncfusion Team December 11, 2012 12:49 PM UTC

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your interests Syncfusion products .

The form we have used in skin manager sample is a normal form that have windows 7 aero theme. But the image you have sent seems like “windows class theme”. You can achieve the same look and feel but turn your OS theme into Aero theme if you have win 7 OS in your machine.

Please let us know if you need any other details.


Chandran R

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