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Disable row multi-select on mouse move

I am using the following settings:

AutoFocusCurrentItem = false;
AllowSelection = GridSelectionFlags.Row;
ListBoxSelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.MultiExtended;

When DoDragDrop in PreviewMouseMove is called the selection of additional rows stops and it is placed in drag mode. If DoDragDrop is not called then moving the mouse selects additional rows.

I would like the selection mode to function like this all the time -- in other words, I never want the user to be able to select multiple rows by dragging the mouse. I still want the user to be able to select multiple rows by a combination of Ctrl-MouseDown and Shift-MouseDown.

How do I achieve this?

2 Replies

MP Michael Philbrick October 25, 2012 07:31 PM UTC

More information ...

I have also tried AutoFocusCurrentItem = true and there does not seem to be a difference.

I noticed that even though multiple rows are highlighted when the mouse is clicked and is moved the selection list does not change. In fact, when I set ListBoxSelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.One I noticed that it took two clicks to update the selection.

So, if these rows are being "highlighted" when moving the mouse, what is the point if they are not being selected? I would rather have the grid only highlight items that are actually in the SelectedItems list. It seems very confusing.

RG Rajasekar G Syncfusion Team October 31, 2012 04:21 PM UTC

Hi Michael,

We updated the solution for this query in incident #100484


Raja sekar.G

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