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Documentation on how to deploy Apps using Syncfusion .dlls

I cannot find any documentation on the steps involved to move from development to actual deployment using the Syncfusion .dlls. I am trying to deploy a C# app using a Windows Installer built via Visual Studio .NET 2003 and I get the following error on deployed machines: Strong name validation failed for assembly Syncfusion.Tools. I have a full source code license so it isn''t an Eval problem. Could someone point me to doc or outline the steps in this forum? Thanks - Roland Martin

2 Replies

RM Roland Martin February 4, 2004 06:18 PM UTC

Found the problem, the assembly manager must be set to "Default Prebuilt Release", I had it set to "User Debug". My app is deploying much better now. Roland Martin

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 4, 2004 06:29 PM UTC

Hi Roland, FYI.. We have a KB article on this issue. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/article.aspx?id=10399 Best Regards, Jay N

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