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Have accidentally killed off moving up and down with arrows

Ive accidentally killed off moving up and down in my listbox grid (a databoundgrid with a listboxselectionmode set) with the arrow keys. I have 2 grids, one which works and the other which doesnt. Ive tried to compare them but cant figure out how they differ. I''ve tried AllowEdit = true and changed selection modes and made the cell activation mode ActivateCurrentCell and all kinds of other properties. What have i accidentally set/unset? thanks simon

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 3, 2004 10:41 PM UTC

What events have you handled? Any key type events? Have you some how set style.Enabled = false for any cells or columns? Are you doing any validation or something that might prevent leaving a cell? Are there any exceptions being shown in teh output window?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 4, 2004 08:20 AM UTC

Still looking at this one. Thanks for your suggestions. Its nearly 4am and i''ll have to go through each of your ideas in turn. The only key event i have checks for escape, and the exact same code is use elsewhere. I dont see any styles that are not enabled. None of the cells are editable, theyre all listbox ''style''. i''ll check out exceptions later

Up arrow icon