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GridGroupingControl unbound fields' filter not updating


I am setting the hashtable value directly for unboundfields in gridgroupingcontrol and then refreshing the datagrid for UI to show the new value.

It is working as expected however for these unbound fields the column filter doesnt shows the new values. It always shows (ALL), (Custom) and (Empty).

Doing unboundfield.SetValue solves this problem but since my application is populating these numbers in backgroundworker there is a lot of context swtiching involved which is why I am going the hashtable route.

Any help on this is really appreciated.





1 Reply

RB Ragamathulla B Syncfusion Team August 23, 2012 05:29 AM UTC

Hi Inder,
Thank you for your interest in syncfusion products,
We are unable to reproduce your reported issue in our end. So i would request you to provide a simple sample that replicate this issue which is helpful for us to look closer and provide better solution to you.
Ragamathullah B.

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