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FilterButtonAppliedBrush, FilterButtonHoverInnerBrush and FilterButtonHoverOuterBrush have no effect

I'm trying to Hide the filter icon unless the user mouses over the column header or a filter has already been applied (to indicate the current column is filtered).

Here is what I've tried:

<syncfusion:HeaderAppearence FilterButtonInnerBrush="Blue" HeaderHoverBackgroundBrush="LightBlue" FilterButtonOuterBrush="Blue" HeaderBackgroundBrush="Blue" FilterButtonAppliedBrush="White" FilterButtonHoverInnerBrush="White" FilterButtonHoverOuterBrush="White" />

Setting the FilterButtonOuterBrush and FilterButtonInnerBrush works fine and appears "hidden" against the Header background of the same color.

Why does setting the FilterButtonAppliedBrush, FilterButtonHoverInnerBrush and FilterButtonHoverOuterBrush have no effect?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

1 Reply

SA Santhosh A Syncfusion Team August 16, 2012 12:16 PM UTC

Hi Mike,


Thanks for using Syncfusion products.


We analyzed your query and you can achieve your requirement by setting the EnableLegacyStyle=”True” in GridDataControl.

In our upcoming release volume 3,we changed the Filter Button behavior to differentiate Filtered Columns and Non Filtered Columns, Which will be available in mid of August, 2012.


Please let us know if you have any concerns.




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