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Text of CaptionSummaryRow disappears when changing DataSource the second time


my problem is, that the CaptionSummaryRow of my Grid disappears, if I change the DataSource the second time.

This runs without any problems (the first time!):

Me.DataSourceOfGrid = New ObservableCollection(Of ResultModel)(Me.SearchUtility.CurrentResults)

If I call the code above again, or do this:

Me.DataSourceOfGrid = New ObservableCollection(Of ResultModel)(Me.SearchUtility.CurrentResults)
Me.DataSourceOfGrid = New ObservableCollection(Of ResultModel)(Me.SearchUtility.CurrentResults)

The text in the CaptionSummaryRow disappears.

In the attachment is the xaml-file of the grid.

Thank you!


3 Replies

RA Rajasekar Syncfusion Team March 16, 2012 12:10 PM UTC

Hi Peter,

Sorry for the inconvenience, we have tested the reported issue in different scenario but we are unable to reproduce the issue. Could you please check the below sample?

Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/Support/DirectTrac/91672/SyncfusionGDC-247766905.zip

We suspect you are using our grid in some other scenario, So If possible could you please modify our sample and revert us with replication procedure, that would be very helpful to resolve your problem earlier.

Please let know if you have any queries.


LR Lukas Reusch March 19, 2012 03:12 PM UTC


it's very difficult to reproduce the problem in another environment.

The error occurs only if I set this property


And add this:

If I remove the property OR the CaptionSummaryRow-element, I don't get this error. But then I have not the caption.

Maybe you can give me some tips with this information.

Thank you.

RA Rajasekar Syncfusion Team April 10, 2012 11:50 AM UTC

Hi Peter,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We have tested this issue in the various cases and also the case which you mentioned in your previous update but we are unable to reproduce the issue. And also, your previous update code snippet is the standard way of defining the caption summary row, so here you won’t get issue because of this code. We suspect there might be some sample level issue. If possible could you please share your sample, so that we will debug with that and let you know the proper details asap.

Please let us know if you have any queries.


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