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IntegerTextBox MinValue and UseNullOption

I was using version before upgrading to the lastest 9.404.0.62; now I have a problem with the IntegerTextBox which doesn't behave like the one in the version I had before.

I want the users to either enter a value that is "1" at the minimum but also allow them to not enter anything.

The IntegerTextBox is defined as this:

MinValueOnExceedMinDigit="False" MinValidation="OnKeyPress" Value="{Binding Path=ID}" UseNullOption="True" />

The problem, which I did not have with my previous version, is that once a value is entered, the user cannot clear the IntegerTextBox because the MinValue is set to 1.

How can I work around this?


1 Reply

KL Karthikeyan L Syncfusion Team November 30, 2011 01:16 PM UTC

Hi Michel,

Can you please follow up the incident logged in DT

Let us know if you have any other queries.

Thank you,

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