I have a list of tools represented by toolbar buttons. Most are BarItems, but one is a ParentBarItem. I can check the BarItems to show the currently selected tool, but I can''t check the ParentBarItem. Is there a way to do this?
Syncfusion Team
January 23, 2004 03:27 PM UTC
Hi Justin
Refer to the XPMenusMDI sample located in the Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Tools\samples\Menus Package\XPMenusMDI directory.
You can choose any of the ParentBarItems in the designer and then set it''s Checked property to True.
Does this take care of what you are looking for?
Justin Koh
January 26, 2004 01:47 PM UTC
Actually, in this sample, it''s not possible to keep the parent bar item checked. So, in the example, it''s possible to check the baritem for Themes and have a border appear around the Themes button. However, it does not seem possible to check the Alignment button, and leave the border around it, since the Alignment is a ParentBarItem.
Justin Koh
February 5, 2004 05:52 PM UTC
I just checked the ParentBarItem.Checked property and in the Intellisense summary, it says, "Not valid for this class." This is a ParentBarItem, not an XPMenus.DropDownButton. I would use that DropDown Button instead, but I don''t need a PopupControlContainer, I just need a menu to drop down.
Why isn''t this function valid?
Syncfusion Team
February 5, 2004 07:34 PM UTC
Hi Justin
Which version of Essential Tools are you using. You should try this with the latest beta version of Essential Suite 2.0. Kindly send an email to salessupport@syncfusion.com to obtain the latest version.
You need to set the ParentBarItem''s ParentStyle to DropDown to do what you are looking for in the latest version.
Justin Koh
February 7, 2004 09:14 PM UTC
I am using the latest release (not beta). This isn''t time critical, so I''ll wait for the new version to implement this behavior. Thank you.