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Save tables of a PDF as images


I have created a Pdf document in which I draw several tables.
I have two issues :
1) how can I know where my first table ends in order to correctly place the second (i have a for loop that generetes the different tables)?
2)How can I save the table as images in order to place them in an email (in plus of attaching the PDF) ?

Thanks in advance,

4 Replies

GM Geetha M Syncfusion Team October 4, 2011 10:19 AM UTC

Hi Clo,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

1. Positioning tables:
You can draw the table relative to the position of the previous table by using the PdfLayoutResult class. Please check the following documentation for more details:
How To Add the Tables One After Another

2. It is not possible to save table as images.

Please try this and let me know if you have any questions.


CV Chloe Vuillet October 13, 2011 02:16 AM UTC

Thanks for your response.
The positionning of the next table works fine... unless my previous table ends in the next page!
-> I either get an exception saying "Can't draw table, because there is not enough space for it", either the table does draw itself putting the end in the next page but then how do I stay on this nexxt page for the next table?

I tried:
if (location.Y < locationtest.Y) page = doc.Pages.Add();
locationtest = location;

//where location is the bound result of my table and locationtest the bound result of the previous table, yet that puts me on the third page unstead of at the end of the table on the second page.

If i dont put this snippet then all the table get drawn on the first page on top of each other.

Thanks in advance

CV Chloe Vuillet October 13, 2011 08:42 AM UTC

Nevermind, I was using the PdfLayoutResult instead of the Light Table one which was not giving me the result.Page.


GM Geetha M Syncfusion Team October 13, 2011 09:05 AM UTC

Hi Clo,

Thank you for the update.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


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