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Grid sorting, filtering and grouping settings?

Is there anyway to get the grid's current sorting, filtering and grouping settings at the client? I'm trying to save the above mentioned values at the server level for further use later. I know the grid events pass some of these values back to the server, except grouping, in the "PagingParams" object. I would like to get access to those same values at the client level.

3 Replies

ES Eswari S Syncfusion Team September 15, 2011 10:20 AM UTC

Hi Greg,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

We do have the support for client side paging ,sorting. However we can get the PagingParams settings of Grid sorting,paging, filtering and grouping settings in client side using the OnActionBegin event.

Please refer to the following code snippets:



. . .
. . .

.ClientSideEvents(eve => {



For your convenience, we have attached the sample and the same can be downloaded from the following link :


Also ,we would request you to check the following online UG link:

Client side events and methods

Please try this and let us know If you need any further assistance.


GC Greg Clouston September 15, 2011 04:56 PM UTC

Thanks for the heads up. I took a look at your sample project. It looks like you are suggesting that I keep a running list of the grid settings. Is there any place in the documentation/samples that details the contents of the "args.data" object?

ES Eswari S Syncfusion Team September 16, 2011 12:57 PM UTC

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your update.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Currently we don’t have documentation for specifying the contents of "args.data" object. Shortly we will update the UG regarding this. For the meantime, we have prepared the simple sample to demonstrate the concept of pagingparams and the same can be downloaded from the following link :


Note: If you want to run the sample in MVC3, change the configuration manager as Debug_MVC3/Release_MVC3.To briefly know about that steps please kindly refer this document link.

How to Switch between MVC2 to MVC3

Sample code to check :


Also, we would request you to check the following online sample link for Client side events :


Local sample location:


Please try this and let us know if would require any further assistance.


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