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Merging XP-style MDI menu''s

When a form is shown as an MDI child in an MDI containter, Syncfusion can merge the menu''s. And according to the documentation that is recommended to do it automatically. The problem I''m facing is that I use a mainFrameBarManager on the main form to get the XP-themes enabled for the menu and toolbar. If I use main-menu on the child MDI window, it is merged as a complete second menu with the non-xp style. When I try to define a mainFrameBarManager on the child MDI window. I receive an invalid cast exception (no further details) Long story short: how do I merge XP-themed menus for MDI childs. Marco

2 Replies

ME Marco Ensing January 21, 2004 06:20 PM UTC

I found an examle what shows what I was trying to do. Ignore the previous posting. Marco

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 21, 2004 07:09 PM UTC

Hi Marco, You should be using the ChildFrameBarManager for the MDI Children. Kindly take a look at the XPMenusMDI sample located in the Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Tools\samples\Menus Package\XPMenusMDI directory. Regards Arun

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