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The .NET MAUI Range Slider is an interactive UI control for selecting a range of values. Its rich features include numeric and datetime ranges, labels, ticks, dividers, and tooltips.

.NET MAUI Range Slider Code Example

Easily get started with the .NET MAUI Range Slider using a few simple lines of XAML code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our .NET MAUI Range Slider Example that shows you how to render and configure the .NET MAUI Range Slider.

<sliders:SfRangeSlider Minimum="0"
                MinorTicksPerInterval="1" >
        <sliders:SliderTooltip />


Select numeric and date ranges. Render intervals with precision. This slider supports setting intervals for both numeric and date ranges. For dates, intervals are supported in years through seconds.

.NET MAUI Slider interval

.NET MAUI Range Slider orientation


The orientation of the .NET MAUI Range Slider can be set to vertical and horizontal depending on the requirement.


Customize the labels easily. Change the format, render at specific intervals, and add prefixes and suffixes. Use built-in support for numeric and date types.

.NET MAUI Range Slider labels

.NET MAUI Range Slider divider


Render dividers in each interval to show the ranges accurately. Customize the size and position of the dividers.


Set both major and minor ticks in the axis. Use major ticks to show the intervals clearly and minor ticks to help choose values between two intervals easily.

.NET MAUI Range Slider ticks

.NET MAUI Range Slider tooltip


Use tooltips to indicate the current selection during interaction. Customize the format, whole text, and visibility using built-in APIs.

Discrete support

By specifying the StepSize, you can select discrete or continuous numeric or date values from the range of values.

.NET MAUI Range Slider discrete mode

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