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Syncfusion Feedback
Road Map for Essential Studio for .NET MAUI

Road Map for Essential Studio for .NET MAUI

New controls

We intend to implement the following new controls with all their required functionalities:

  • AI Prompt
  • Kanban

Tab View

Corner radius for selection indicator

This feature allows users to customize the corner radius of the selection indicator.

Header display mode

This feature allows users to define the header’s display mode, including image, text, and image with text.

Content transition duration

This feature is used to adjust the speed of content transition in Tab View.

Header text alignment

This feature allows users to customize the text alignment in the tab header.


This feature allows users to swipe Tab View items.

Radio Button

Enable animation

This feature allows users to enable or disable animation in the Radio Button.

Selected value for Radio Button group

This feature allows users to identify the selected Radio Button from the group.

Badge View

Badge visibility

This feature allows users to show or hide badges.

Cartesian Charts

New series

We intend to add new stacked line and spline range area series. These chart types offer users a broader spectrum of visualization options, enabling effective representation of data.

Data label connector line

This feature allows the smart arrangement of data labels using connector lines and provides customization options for these lines.

Label styles for legend

This feature allows users to customize the appearance of a chart legend’s items.

Circular Charts

Legend toggle

This feature enables the toggling of series visibility by tapping the legend items.

Image Editor

Indicate unsaved edits

This feature notifies users of unsaved edits.


Legend templates

This feature allows users to customize a map legend with templates.

Change duration of marker tooltip

This feature allows users to change the duration of the marker tooltip’s appearance in the Maps control.


Suspend and resume appointments

This feature allows users to suspend and resume appointment UI updates while performing collection changes such as add, remove, and reset.

Scheduler date navigation

This feature allows users to navigate dates using a calendar date picker in the Scheduler header.

Show or hide Today button

This feature allows users to display or hide the Today button in the Scheduler.

Command support

This feature allows users to make method calls directly to a ViewModel, which supports tapped, double-tapped, long-pressed touch, and visible-date-changed actions.

Week number tap event

This feature allows users to get the details of the tapped week number in the view.

Segmented Control

Tap events

This feature allows users to get the details of the tapped segment in the view.


Drill-down support

This feature allows users to explore hierarchical data interactively by navigating through its levels.

Legend templates

This feature allows users to customize legends with templates.

RTL support

This feature allows users to customize the control’s flow direction.


This feature allows users to customize the height and width of the dropdown button.

Numeric Entry

Percentage display mode

This feature allows users to display the actual or computed value with a percentage symbol.

Maximum decimal digits

This feature allows users to customize the maximum number of decimal digits to be displayed.


Row drag and drop

This feature allows users to rearrange rows by dragging and dropping them.

Data virtualization

This feature allows users to create records on demand for efficient data processing.

Excel Library

Chart-to-image conversion enhancement

With this enhancement, the manual layout for the legend area and plot area will be preserved properly during chart-to-image conversion.

Metafile image preservation

With this enhancement, metafile images, such as .emf and .wmf files, will be properly preserved during the conversion of Excel files to PDFs or images, maintaining the detail and quality of these images.

Custom fonts

This feature provides an API for adding custom fonts. These fonts will be automatically used when converting Excel files to PDF and image formats, ensuring that documents maintain their specified typography even if the fonts are not available in the environment.


We intend to add support for the following formulas when creating and editing Excel documents:

  • DROP
  • SCAN
  • TAKE

Word Library

WordArt in DOCX

WordArt refers to text elements with decorative effects like shadows, reflections, glows, bevels, and 3D rotations and transformations. With this enhancement, the .NET Word Library guarantees the visual integrity of these decorative text elements when working with DOCX files.

HTML-to-Word conversion enhancement

The .NET Word Library only accepts XHTML that adheres to XML standards and required correct opening and closing tags, even after validation through the XHTMLValidation.None API. With this enhancement, the Word Library will accommodate HTML that does not meet XML standards.

PDF and image conversion enhancements

SmartArt in PDF and image conversion

With this feature, the .NET Word Library will ensure that SmartArt diagrams are accurately converted to PDF or image formats. This provides effective communication of information during presentations or report sharing, regardless of the recipient’s system.

Metafile images preservation

This feature ensures that the metafile images (such as .emf and .wmf) are properly preserved during the conversion of Word documents to PDF or images, maintaining their quality.

Custom font

The .NET Word Library will include an API for adding custom fonts. These fonts will automatically be used during Word-to-PDF and Word-to-image conversions, ensuring that documents maintain their specified typography even if the fonts are not available in the environment.

PowerPoint Library

PDF and image conversion enhancement

Metafile images preservation

With this enhancement, the metafile images (such as .emf and .wmf) will be properly preserved during the conversion of PowerPoint to PDF or images, maintaining their quality.

Custom fonts

The .NET PowerPoint Library will include an API for adding custom fonts. These fonts will automatically be used during PowerPoint-to-PDF and PowerPoint-to-image conversions, ensuring that documents maintain their specified typography even if the fonts are not available in the environment.


Header templates

This feature allows users to customize the header with templates.

Command support

This feature allows users to invoke methods directly in a ViewModel, supporting events such as tapped, double-tapped, long-pressed, view-changed, and action-button clicked, as well as events for pop-up opened, opening, closed, and closing.

Event support for week numbers

This feature allows users to get the details of the tapped week number in the view.

Month navigation

This feature allows users to navigate to the previous and next months by tapping on the leading and trailing month dates in the current view.

Strike-through blackout dates

This feature allows users to display a strike-through on blackout dates.


Command support

This feature allows users to directly invoke methods in a ViewModel, supporting events such selection changed, OK button clicked, and Cancel button clicked, as well as events for pop-up opened, closed, and closing.

Date Picker

Customize column width and column text color

This feature allows users to customize the column width and column text color to enhance readability and visualization.

Command support

This feature allows users to invoke methods directly in a ViewModel, supporting events such selection changed, OK button clicked, and Cancel button clicked, as well as events for pop-up opened, closed, and closing.

Date Time Picker

Command support

This feature allows users to invoke methods directly in a ViewModel, supporting events such selection changed, OK button clicked, and Cancel button clicked, as well as events for pop-up opened, closed, and closing.

Time Picker

Minimum and maximum times

This feature restricts time selection beyond a specified time range.

Command support

This feature allows users to invoke methods directly in a ViewModel, supporting events such selection changed, OK button clicked, and Cancel button clicked, as well as events for pop-up opened, closed, and closing.

PDF Library

Linearized PDF creation

This feature enables users to create linearized PDF documents optimized for fast web viewing.

Arabic text extended block rendering

This feature allows users to draw Arabic text using the following extended blocks:

  • Extended-A
  • Extended-B
  • Presentation Forms-A
  • Presentation Forms-B

Subsetting embedded fonts in PDF-to-PDF/A conversion

This feature enables users to subset the embedded fonts during the conversion of PDF to PDF/A. Subsetting the fonts will help reduce the final size of the document.

Circular annotation with cloud border style

This feature allows users to create circular annotations with a cloud border style in PDF documents.

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DISCLAIMER: Syncfusion’s products are always changing. Syncfusion makes no representations or warranties of any kind that these features will be in this release or any future release of any Syncfusion product. Features and release builds can change without notice at the sole discretion of Syncfusion. The information provided on this page is only for the purpose of outlining intentions and ideas for future releases. In no way is the roadmap a guarantee, promise, or offer to provide any product or service. Moreover, the material provided is informational in nature and should not be relied on, in any manner, for the purposes of making any business decision.
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