Use technical indicators to analyze the past and predict future market trends based on historical data, volume, or open interest. ASP.NET Core chart component supports 10 different types of built-in financial technical indicators such as RSI, momentum, Bollinger bands, accumulation distribution, EMA, SMA, stochastic, ATR, MACD, and TMA indicators
Accumulation distribution combines price and volume to show how money may be flowing into or out of stock.
Measures the stock volatility by comparing the current value with the previous value using ATR indicators. Use built-in APIs to change the color and thickness of the indicator.
A chart overlay that shows the upper and lower limits of normal price movements based on the standard deviation of prices. The look and feel of the upper line, lower line and single line can be customized.
Simple moving average indicators are used to define the direction of the trend.
The exponential moving average works like SMA, but it gives greater weight to more recent price moves. Use built-in APIs to change the color and thickness of the signal line.
A triangular moving average is an average of an average, creating a line on your chart that typically moves in steadier and longer waves than an SMA.
RSI shows how strongly a stock is moving in its current direction. RSI indicator will be represented by three lines (upperBand, lowerBand, and signalLine).
Momentum shows the speed at which the price of the stock is changing. Momentum indicator will be represented by two lines (upperLine and signalLine).
Shows how a stock is when compared to the previous state. Stochastic indicator will be represented by four lines (upperLine, lowerLine, periodLine, and signalLine).
MACD is based on the difference between two EMAs. MACD indicator will be represented by MACD line, signal line,and MACD histogram.