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The React Gantt Chart is a project planning and management tool used to display and manage hierarchical tasks with timeline details. It helps assess how long a project should take, determine the resources needed, manage the dependencies between tasks, and plan the order in which the tasks should be completed.

Why choose Syncfusion React Gantt Chart?

React Gantt Charts high performance

High performance

Virtual scrolling in the React Gantt Chart allows you to load large amounts of data without performance degradation.

React Gantt Chart seamless data binding

Seamless data binding

Bind data seamlessly with various local and remote data sources such as JSON, OData, WCF, and RESTful web services with the help of a data manager.

React Gantt Chart resolution

Adapts to any resolution

Gantt Chart has a highly responsive layout and an optimized design for desktops, touchscreens, and phones. It works well on all mobile phones that use iOS, Android, or Windows OS.

React Gantt Chart elegant animation

Elegant animation

The Gantt Chart for React provides fluid animation to present data with smooth transitions.

React Gantt Chart template designs

Create your own template designs

Template support is used to customize taskbars and grid columns. Customize the timeline header for a better view of the data.

React Gantt Chart timeline zooming

Get clear view with timeline zooming

Increase or decrease the width of timeline cells and change the timeline units dynamically with zooming. This lets you clearly view tasks in a project, from minute to decade.

React Gantt Chart customizable themes

Attractive, customizable themes

Cutting-edge design with several built-in themes, such as Fluent, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Material, and Fabric. Utilize the online Theme Studio tool to customize themes of gantt chart easily.

React Gantt Chart globalization and localization

Globalization and localization

Enable users from different locales to use the control by formatting dates, currency, and numbering to suit preferences.

React Gantt Chart Code Example

Easily get started with the React Gantt Chart using a few simple lines of TSX code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our React Gantt Chart Example that shows you how to render and configure a Gantt Chart in React.

import { GanttComponent, Inject, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-gantt';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { projectNewData } from './data';
function App() {
  const taskFields = {
        id: 'TaskID',
        name: 'TaskName',
        startDate: 'StartDate',
        duration: 'Duration',
        progress: 'Progress',
        dependency: 'Predecessor',
        child: 'subtasks'
  const labelSettings: any = {
    leftLabel: 'TaskName'
  const projectStartDate: Date = new Date('03/24/2019');
  const projectEndDate: Date = new Date('07/06/2019');
    return <GanttComponent id='Default' dataSource={projectNewData}
            taskFields={this.taskFields} labelSettings={this.labelSettings} height='410px'
            projectStartDate={this.projectStartDate} projectEndDate={this.projectEndDate}>
            <Inject services={[Selection]} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));


The React Gantt Chart Library supports different configurable timeline views such as hour, day, week, month, and year.

Types of relationships among tasks in React Gantt Chart

Task scheduling and relationships

Users can easily plan and schedule tasks in both auto and manual mode to track their projects. Create relationships between different tasks in project management. When a project is complex and contains many tasks that depend on the completion of others, task dependencies enable you to decide when a task can be started or finished using finish-to-start, start-to-finish, start-to-start, and finish-to-finish task link types.

Critical path

The React Gantt Chart offers support for the critical path, representing a series of tasks that directly influence the calculated finish date of a project. If any task within the critical path is delayed, it leads to a delay in the timeline. This feature is particularly useful for managing projects with fixed deadlines, allowing users to identify and prioritize tasks crucial for timely delivery.

React project management tool - Critial path.

React project management tool - Split task.

Split and merge tasks

The split task feature allows users to split a task or interrupt the work during planned or unforeseen circumstances. It makes the view dynamic and interactive, improving the visualization of the project taskbar. Multiple segments can be split and merged within a taskbar.

Resource view

Visualize the list of tasks assigned to each resource in a hierarchical manner. Multiple tasks assigned to each resource can be visualized in a row when the records are in a collapsed state.

React Gantt Chart resource view

Rows in React Gantt Chart


Rows in Gantt Chart represents each tasks or data object information from the data source. It supports expanding / collapsing child rows, reordering of rows, indent / outdent rows to change its hierarchy levels and much more features.


Columns define the schema of a data source in React Gantt Charts. They support formatting, column definitions, column chooser, column menu, column reorder, and other important features.

Columns in React Gantt Chart

Sorting in React Gantt Chart


The React Gantt Chart allows user to sort a column in either ascending or descending order by simply clicking on the header. A Ctrl + header click performs multi-sorting.


Data across all columns can be filtered using the filter option in each column and search option in the toolbar. It supports two filter types, Excel-like filter and menu filter. The React Gantt Chart filter allows users to choose appropriate filter types, define their own custom filtering logic, and customize the filtering UI based on their application needs. Filtering with related parent or child records can be defined.

Filtering in React Gantt Chart

React Gantt Chart selection


React Gantt Chart allows users to select rows or cells by simply clicking on them. One or more rows or cells can be selected by holding the Ctrl or Shift key, or programmatically.


The React Gantt Chart provides full support to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. In addition to built-in editor controls to edit a particular column value, using template support users can create custom editor controls that suit their application needs. Users can also edit the tasks fields directly in their respective cells using a dialog or interactively using taskbars.

React Gantt Chart undo redo.

Undo redo

The Undo feature enables users to revert the most recent action performed in the Gantt Chart. Whether it is modifying tasks, adjusting dependencies, or any other action within the interface, the undo feature provides users with the ability to backtrack the changes as needed. Additionally, the redo feature complements the undo functionality by allowing users to reapply an action that was previously undone.

Virtual scrolling

Virtual scroll in React Gantt Chart allows you to load large amounts of data without performance degradation. In row virtualization mode, all tasks are fetched initially from the datasource and rendered in the DOM within a compact viewport area.

React Gantt Chart Virtual Scrolling.

Auto focus tasks in React Gantt Chart.

Auto scroll to taskbar on row selection

Focus on the tasks that are not visible but scheduled later along the timeline by selecting their rows in the grid section.

Highlight days and events

Highlight important days or events in a project using event markers.

Event markers to note the special events in React Gantt Chart.

React Gantt Chart toolbar to edit tasks.


Use toolbar options for editing, searching, expanding, collapsing, and deleting selected tasks along with an option for adding a new task.


Compare the current task’s progress with the planned timeline using baselines.

Visualize the actual and project timeline in React Gantt Chart.

Mark the allocated resource for a task in React Gantt Chart.

Resource Allocation

Allocate multiple resources like staff, equipment, and materials to each task.


Labels convey information about tasks, timelines, dependencies, and resource allocation, and facilitate understanding, communication, decision making, and project management.

Frozen columns

Frozen columns allow users to navigate and interact with the Gantt Chart more efficiently. They can quickly locate specific tasks, identify dependencies, and understand the project’s overall timeline without constantly scrolling back and forth to reference key information.

Mark important or special tasks in React Gantt Chart

Data markers

Display events for a specific task that can be placed on the timeline on any given date.

Taskbar tooltip in React Gantt Chart


The tooltip displays task information while the mouse hovers over the task and editing actions for the taskbar and connector lines.

Highlight holidays, if any, in between weeks in React Gantt Chart


Display nonworking days using the holidays feature.

Interactive features

Row height in React Gantt Chart

Row height and taskbar height

Row height is a major factor when displaying records in the view port and it can be customized effortlessly based on the application’s UI requirement. The height of child taskbars and parent taskbars can be customized using the taskbarHeight property.

Context menu in React Gantt Chart

Context menu

The context menu improves user action with React Gantt Chart component using a pop-up menu. It appears when a cell or header is right clicked. In addition to built-in default menu items, it allows you to add custom context menu items.

Exporting in React Gantt Chart


Easily export the React Gantt Chart component in file formats such as Excel or CSV.


Keyboard navigation in React Gantt Chart

Keyboard navigation

The HTML5 React Gantt Chart ensures that every cell is keyboard accessible. Major features like sorting, selection, and editing can be performed using keyboard commands alone; no mouse interaction required. This helps in creating highly accessible applications using this component.

Accessibility and screen reader support in React Gantt Chart

Screen reader

The React Gantt Chart has complete WAI-ARIA accessibility support. The Gantt Chart UI includes high-contrast visual elements, helping visually impaired people have the best viewing experience. Also, valid UI descriptions are easily accessible through assistive technologies such as screen readers.

Mobile optimized and touch friendly

The React Gantt Chart has a highly responsive layout and a fine touch-interactions support for desktops, touch screens, and smart phones.

Touch support in React Gantt Chart

Touch support

User-friendly touch gestures and an interactive UI design help produce the best user experience. All Gantt Chart features work on touch devices with zero configuration.

Responsiveness in React Gantt Chart


The responsive feature allows the React Gantt Chart layout to be viewed on various devices. It is also possible to hide specific columns for particular screen sizes using column-based media query support.

Other supported frameworks

Gantt Chart component is also available in Blazor, Angular, Vue, and JavaScript frameworks. Check out the different Gantt Chart platforms from the links below,

Supported browsers

The React Gantt Chart works well with all modern web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Opera.

Supported browsers


Frequently Asked Questions

Syncfusion React Gantt Chart Library provides the following features:- A complete project management tool to schedule and plan projects.- Manage, and monitor specific tasks and resources in a project.- Intuitive user interface to manage complex projects on the go.- One of the best React Gantt Chart in the market that offers feature-rich UI to interact with the software.- Simple configuration and API.- Supports all modern browsers.- Mobile-touch friendly and responsive.- Expansive learning resources such as demos and documentation to learn quickly and get started with React Gantt Chart.

You can find our React Gantt Chart demo, which demonstrates how to render and configure the Gantt Chart.

No, this is a commercial product and requires a paid license. However, a free community license is also available for companies and individuals whose organizations have less than $1 million USD in annual gross revenue, 5 or fewer developers, and 10 or fewer total employees.

A good place to start would be our comprehensive getting started documentation.

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