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The WPF 3D Bar Chart is ideal for showing the variations in the value of an item over time. It has been arranged vertically and data values are plotted horizontally to show the variations. It supports rotation and selection.

WPF 3D Bar Chart documentation

WPF 3D Bar Chart

Key features

WPF Vertical 3D Bar Chart

Vertical chart

The WPF 3D Bar Chart can be transposed vertically to view the data in a different perspective.

WPF 3D Bar Chart with Gradient Brush

UI styling

Customize the WPF 3D Bar Chart UI with gradient colors using built-in APIs to make it visually unique.

WPF 3D Bar Chart with Customized Wall and Depth of an Axis

Wall customization

Customize the wall and depth of an axis using built-in APIs to make it visually unique.

WPF 3D Bar Chart showing Spacing between Bars

Spacing and width

The WPF 3D Bar Chart provides options to customize the spacing between bars and their widths.

WPF 3D Bar Chart with Markers

Display markers

The WPF 3D Bar Chart data points are visualized as marks with built-in symbols such as cross, square, plus, inverted triangles, hexagon, ellipses, vertical lines, horizontal lines, diamonds, triangles, and pentagons.

WPF 3D Bar Chart with Data Labels

Data labels

Data labels display information about data points. They provide support for customizing the foreground, border, and background, along with template support to customize their default appearance with your desired view. You can rotate a data label by a specified angle.

Code example

Easily get started with the WPF 3D Bar Chart using a few simple lines of C# code example as demonstrated below,

<Window x:Class="ChartExample.MainWindow"
        Title="WPF 3D Bar Chart" Height="450" Width="700">
  <!--Setting DataContext-->

    <StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center"  VerticalAlignment="Center">

            Height="400" Width="400" Depth="500"

            <!--  Initialize the horizontal axis for the WPF 3D Chart  -->
                <chart:CategoryAxis3D />

           <!--  Initialize the vertical axis for the WPF 3D Chart  -->
                <chart:NumericalAxis3D />

            <!--  Adding 3D Bar Chart to the WPF 3D Chart   -->
                ItemsSource="{Binding CategoricalDatas}"
public class BarChart3DModel 
        public string Year { get; set; }

        public double Plastic { get; set; }

        public double Metal { get; set; }

        public BarChart3DModel(double metal, double plastic, string year)
            Plastic = plastic;
            Year = year;
            Metal = metal;

    public class Chart3DViewModel
        public Chart3DViewModel()
            CategoricalDatas = new ObservableCollection<BarChart3DModel>();

            CategoricalDatas.Add(new BarChart3DModel(7, 5, "2008"));
            CategoricalDatas.Add(new BarChart3DModel(13, 10, "2009"));
            CategoricalDatas.Add(new BarChart3DModel(15, 12, "2010"));
            CategoricalDatas.Add(new BarChart3DModel(21, 20, "2011"));
            CategoricalDatas.Add(new BarChart3DModel(25, 23, "2012"));

        public ObservableCollection<BarChart3DModel> CategoricalDatas

Learning resources

Navigate to GitHub code used to configure the WPF 3D Bar Chart

GitHub Code

The WPF 3D Bar Chart configuration code is available in GitHub.

Navigate to the options available in the user guide to customize the WPF 3D Bar Chart

WPF 3D Bar Chart User Guide

Learn more about the available options to customize WPF 3D Bar Charts.

Navigate to the API references documentation of the WPF 3D Bar Chart

WPF 3D Bar Chart API Reference

Explore the WPF 3D Bar Chart APIs.


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