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The WinUI Stacked Area Chart visualizes data with y-values stacked one over another in a series order. It shows the relationship between individual values to the total sum of points.

WinUI Stacked Area Chart Documentation

WinUI Stacked Area Chart

Key Features

WinUI Grouped Stacked Area Chart

Grouped Stacked Chart

Group a series with another series using the GroupName in a chart. Group the series with different stacking names separately.

WinUI Vertical Stacked Area Chart

Vertical Chart

Rotate the WinUI Stacked Area Chart to plot data vertically and view it from a different perspective.

WinUI Stacked Area Chart showing Empty Point aka Null Point

Empty/Null Point Chart

Empty or null data points are elegantly handled in the WinUI Stacked Area Chart.

WinUI Stacked Area Chart with Customized Border and Color

UI Styling

Customize the color and border of the chart using built-in APIs to make it visually unique.

Code Guideline

Easily get started with the WinUI Stacked Area Charts using a few simple lines of XAML and C# code example as demonstrated below

<Window x:Class="ChartExample.MainPage"
        Title="WinUI Stacked Area Chart" Height="450" Width="700">
        <chart:SfCartesianChart Height="300" Width="500">
            <!--Setting DataContext-->

            <!--Initialize the horizontal axis for the WinUI Chart-->

            <!--Initialize the vertical axis for the WinUI Chart-->

            <!--Adding Stacked Area Chart to the WinUI Chart-->

                ItemsSource="{Binding Accidents}"

                ItemsSource="{Binding Accidents}"

                ItemsSource="{Binding Accidents}"
public class StackingAreaChartModel
    public DateTime Month { get; set; }
    public double Bus { get; set; }
    public double Car { get; set; }
    public double Truck { get; set; }

public class ViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<StackingAreaChartModel> Accidents { get; set; }

    public ViewModel()
        this.Accidents = new ObservableCollection<StackingAreaChartModel>();
        DateTime mth = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1);

        Accidents.Add(new StackingAreaChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(6), Bus = 3, Car = 4, Truck = 5 });
        Accidents.Add(new StackingAreaChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(7), Bus = 4, Car = 5, Truck = 6 });
        Accidents.Add(new StackingAreaChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(8), Bus = 3, Car = 4, Truck = 5 });
        Accidents.Add(new StackingAreaChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(9), Bus = 4, Car = 5, Truck = 6 });
        Accidents.Add(new StackingAreaChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(10), Bus = 7, Car = 8, Truck = 7 });
        Accidents.Add(new StackingAreaChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(11), Bus = 4, Car = 5, Truck = 6 });
        Accidents.Add(new StackingAreaChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(12), Bus = 7, Car = 8, Truck = 7 });
        Accidents.Add(new StackingAreaChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(13), Bus = 4, Car = 5, Truck = 6 });

Learning Resources

Navigate to GitHub code used to configure the WinUI Stacked Area Chart

GitHub Code

The WinUI stacked area graph configuration code is available in GitHub.

Navigate to the options available in the user Guide to customize the WinUI Stacked Area Chart

WinUI Stacked Area Chart User Guide

Learn more about the available options to customize WinUI Stacked Area Charts.

Navigate to the API reference documentation of the WinUI Stacked Area Chart

WinUI Stacked Area Chart API References

Explore the WinUI Stacked Area Chart APIs.

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