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Define Columns in JavaScript DataGrid.

Define columns

Users can define the needed columns explicitly in a Data Grid. Enhance the appearance of columns by setting the header text, text alignment, cell value format, and width.

Auto generate columns

When the column collection is not specified, DataGrid will create columns definitions for users by creating column objects from the data source.

Auto generate columns in JavaScript DataGrid.

AutoFit columns width in JavaScript DataGrid.

AutoFit columns width

Users can interactively auto-size column widths to show their full content by double-clicking on column borders. Data Grid supports programmatically auto-sizing columns. The Autofit feature displays columns based on their defined width. If the total column width is less than the grid width, white space will appear instead of columns auto-adjusting to fill the grid.

Cell attributes

Users can decorate each cell element of the DataGrid with their own attributes by customizing styles, adding additional class names, and more.

Cell Attributes in JavaScript DataGrid.

Text wrap using in JavaScript DataGrid.

Text wrap

Wraps the DataGrid cell text to the next line when it is too large to fit a cell. Users can wrap the header or content cell`s text by setting the available wrap mode options.

Column chooser

The column chooser provides a list of column names paired with check boxes, allowing users to toggle visibility on the fly. This helps users control column visibility through an interactive UI.

Choose visible columns using column chooser in JavaScript DataGrid.

Reorder columns in JavaScript DataGrid.


Reorder DataGrid columns either through user interaction or programmatically. Simply dragging a column header to the desired column position will reorder the columns of a DataGrid.


Column resize allows changing the column width on the fly by simply dragging the right corner of the column header. A scroll bar appears when the DataGrid content width exceeds the element width.

Resize column width in the JavaScript DataGrid.

Column menu in JavaScript DataGrid.

Column menu

Allows performing various column-based actions with the help of the DataGrid column menu. Menu items can also be customized to list only the preferred actions.

Column spanning

Span the adjacent DataGrid cells based on the preferred criteria.

Cell spanning in JavaScript DataGrid.

Foreign key column with look-up data in JavaScript DataGrid.

Foreign key column

It is possible to show values from external or lookup data sources in a column based on the foreign key/value name. Allows all DataGrid actions like sorting, filtering, editing, grouping, and other operations in the foreign data column.

Value accessors

The value accessors specify how the cell value is to be retrieved from the data. The preferred value accessors can be used when the row data is not just a simple object.

Custom value getter using value accessor in JavaScript DataGrid.

Cell styling in JavaScript DataGrid.

Cell styling

DataGrid supports the customization of cell styles programmatically or by using CSS.


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