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The tree grid control can be used to effectively visualize self-referential hierarchical data. It has support for all the common grid functionality like sorting, filtering, and editing.

Tree grid displays hierarchical data in a tabular format


Loading large data in tree grid

Instant Loading

Instantly load large numbers of records.

Improved scrolling performance in tree grid

Smooth Scrolling

Perform scrolling and other actions without any lag even when dealing with large numbers of records.

Data Handling and Manipulation

Sorting columns in tree grid


Columns can either be sorted based on a single field/column or on multiple fields/columns.

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Column filtering support in tree grid


Data can be dynamically filtered across single or multiple columns using filter bar or filter menu options.

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Editing columns in tree grid


The content can be edited inline.

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Summary rows in tree grid

Summary Row

Summary information can be displayed for an entire column at the end of each hierarchy level or for the entire tree grid, supporting operations such as sum, average, maximum, minimum, count, true count, false count, minimum date, and maximum date.

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Row and Column Customizations

Custom column template support in tree grid

Custom Columns

Columns can be customized using column templates.

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Custom row template support in tree grid

Custom Rows

Rows can be customized using custom templates.

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Column header template support in tree grid

Custom Column Headers

Column headers can be customized using custom templates.

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Details View

A detailed view of a row can be displayed either inline or in a pop-up.

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Details view support in tree grid rows

Text Wrap

Cell content can be wrapped to multiple lines, if its width exceeds the cell boundary. View Demo

Text wrap support for tree grid cells


Content can be printed using toolbar print icon. View Demo

Printing tree grid content


Toolbar contains options for editing or deleting a selected row. It also contains options for adding a new row and expanding or collapsing all parent rows.

Toolbar support for tree grid

Interactive Features

Freezing columns in tree grid

Freeze Columns

Freeze columns either when loading or interactively using the column menu.

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Context menu support in tree grid

Context Menu

Context menu can be used to edit or delete a selected row or add a new row. Custom menu items can also be displayed in the context menu.

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Toggling column visibility in tree grid

Column Chooser

Column chooser allows the end user to show or hide columns, freeze or unfreeze columns at runtime.

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Column resizing support in tree grid

Column Resizing

You can dynamically resize columns.

Row drag and drop support in tree grid

Row Drag and Drop

Rows can be reordered interactively using drag and drop.

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Column reordering in tree grid

Column Reorder

Columns can be reordered interactively.

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Different types of selections are possible.

Cell selection in tree grid

Cell Selection

You can select a single cell or multiple cells in tree grid.

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Selecting rows in tree grid

Row Selection

Select rows in tree grid.

Check box selection in tree grid

Check Box Selection

Rows can be selected using check boxes.

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Localization in tree grid


Content can be localized to any specific culture.

PDF and Excel export in tree grid


Content can be exported to PDF and Excel formats.

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