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JavaScript Pivot Chart

End users can enable the following built-in features of Pivot Chart either through UI or a simple, user-friendly API in the code-behind.

Chart types

The control supports common chart types: column, stacking column, bar, stacking bar, area, step area, spline area, stacking area, pie, pyramid, line, step line, doughnut, scatter, bubble, waterfall, funnel and spline. Each chart type is easily configurable with built-in API support for creating stunning visual effects.

JavaScript pivot chart control types

Muti-level labels in Javascript pivot chart control

Multilevel labels

The multilevel labels, also known as grouping labels, allow you to drill down and drill up to different levels based on the bound data.

3D Pivot Chart

The control offers a 3D view for bar charts, column charts, stacking bar charts, stacking column charts, doughnut charts, and pie type charts for stunning visualization.

Javascript Pivot Chart types in 3D

series customization in JavaScript pivot chart control

Series customization

Customize the series color, border color, and border width of the control. You can perform custom operations in code behind.


A color code helps to differentiate among chart series items. The legend has labels beside each color to present some detail about the series.

Identifies chart labels through legend in JavaScript pivot chart control

Tooltip support in Javascript pivot chart control


Tooltip provide basic information about a series while the pointer is hovering over it.

75+ jQuery UI WIDGETS

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