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The .NET MAUI Polar Charts control includes functionality for plotting two types of charts. Each chart type is easily configured with built-in support for creating stunning visual effects.

Polar Charts

Beautiful .NET MAUI polar area charts.

.NET MAUI polar area chart

A polar area chart helps show patterns in circular data, compare values, and provide a clear and engaging way to present complex information simply.

Beautiful .NET MAUI polar line charts.

.NET MAUI polar line chart

Each data point is represented as a particular location along a radial line in a polar line chart.

Radar Charts

Beautiful .NET MAUI radar area charts.

.NET MAUI radar area chart

The .NET MAUI Radar area chart displays data points that are visualized as areas within a polygon gridline.

Beautiful .NET MAUI radar line charts.

.NET MAUI radar line chart

The .NET MAUI Radar line chart displays data points that are visualized as a line in a polygon gridline.

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