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Syncfusion Feedback

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The Syncfusion Blazor Word Library (Essential DocIO) offers powerful and comprehensive APIs to split a large Word document into multiple smaller documents programmatically with a few lines of code.

Split large document into multiple documents

Easily split the contents of a large Word document into multiple small Word documents programmatically using the powerful and comprehensive APIs of Syncfusion Blazor Essential DocIO. Also, split HTML, RTF, and text files.

Split by section

Iterate the document content by section and save each section as an individual Word document.

Split by headings

Extract the content of a heading in a Word document by iterating the document contents and saving the extracted content as an individual Word document.

Split using placeholder text

Extract a part of a document based on placeholder text and save the extracted content as an individual Word document.

Split by bookmark

Navigate to a bookmark in a document and retrieve the bookmark content as a separate Word document.


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