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Syncfusion Feedback

Syncfusion Sponsors Xamarin Dev Days Worldwide

Research Triangle Park, N.C.—August 30th, 2016—Syncfusion, Inc., the developer solutions company of choice, announced today that it is sponsoring Xamarin Dev Days worldwide. Syncfusion is a long time Xamarin partner and its Essential Studio for Xamarin is a comprehensive suite of over 50 controls for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms. The latest release introduces new kanban and data source controls, in addition to its existing popular data grid, chart, and Excel libraries.

"As a strong partner in our community, we’re pleased to see Syncfusion supporting our shared developer community by sponsoring Xamarin Dev Days. Syncfusion joined us as a Xamarin.Forms launch partner, and having their controls in our ecosystem helps make Xamarin and Visual Studio the best way to create native mobile apps," said Joseph Hill, Xamarin Cofounder and Principal Director of Program Management at Microsoft.

With Xamarin.Forms, developers can build cross-platform native UIs with one shared C# codebase. Xamarin Dev Days provide attendees with a focused, hands-on learning experience. The morning of each event is spent exploring mobile development in expert-led sessions, while the afternoon is dedicated to coding. Xamarin Dev Days are community-sponsored events held throughout the United States, Europe, South America, Asia, and New Zealand. Syncfusion will host the Xamarin Dev Days event in Raleigh, NC on Saturday October 1st 2016 and the Xamarin Dev Days event in Chennai, India on Saturday October 15th 2016. Xamarin, an industry-leading enterprise mobile development solution, is used by more than 1.4 million developers around the world. Xamarin.Forms allows developers to share upwards of 95% of their code across platforms, drastically reducing development time without compromising native quality.

To find an upcoming Xamarin Dev Day or register for one, visit the Xamarin Dev Days webpage. For more information on Xamarin.Forms, please visit xamarin.com/platform.

About Syncfusion

Syncfusion is the enterprise technology partner of choice for software development, delivering a broad range of web, mobile, and desktop controls coupled with a service-oriented approach throughout the entire application lifecycle. Syncfusion has established itself as the trusted partner worldwide for use in mission-critical applications. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Research Triangle Park, N.C., Syncfusion has more than 12,000 customers, including large financial institutions, Fortune 100 companies, and global IT consultancies.

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