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Progress Bar: unknown task length, how produce "bouncing" animation

How do we produce a progress bar with the kind of appearance found in the one present during Windows XP startup? That is - the contents of the progress bar "bounces" back and forth until the task ends. It does not give feedback on "time left" or "items covered". We have several tasks with unknown lentgh in an application. For such tasks, we want to present active feedback to the user. We need the progress bar to work in both Windows 2000 and Windows XP look. Regards, me

3 Replies

DB Dan B January 25, 2003 07:35 PM UTC

Check out the ActivityBar sample on GotDotNet. http://www.gotdotnet.com/userarea/keywordsrch.aspx?keyword=Activity%20Bar

AS Aslak May 22, 2022 01:27 PM UTC

GotDotNet has now shut down, and the ActivityBar example is no longer available.

Anyone got ideas on how to create the familiar bouncing-back-and-forth effect with SyncFusion ProgressBarAdv?

One can come a long way by doing this: https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/72113/circular-progress-bar

If the bouncing effect is not yet added by SyncFusion developers: Is this something you might be willing to add?

Best wishes

SM Subashini Mahendran Syncfusion Team May 23, 2022 11:36 AM UTC

Hi Aslak,

We have checked the reported query “How to bounce back and forth effect with Syncfusion ProgressBarAdv. At present ProgressBarAdv doesn’t have a direct support to provide back and forth effect. Alternatively, the reported requirement can be achieved by implementing the own custom renderer(drawing progress bar with back-and-forth effect) for progress bar control inheriting from IProgressBarAdvRenderer interface and setting it to Renderer property && ProgressStyle property as Custom for ProgressBarAdv control. Please find the sample from below link:

Sample link: ProgressBar-customization-demo

Please try the above solution and let us know if it helpful.


Subashini M.

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