Thank You So Kindly for helping...
I was wondering how do you keep a (Row) in a Grid Layout fixed during scrolling? In my case I want to keep Row(0) where I have a Header Row fixed (Meaning they cannot resize the window and scroll this particular Row in the Grid, while the user can resize window and Scroll the other Rows. The first row of the Grid will achieve a similar effect to freezing the first row in Excel, fixing it to the top of the table at all times
<ScrollView HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Always" >
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="auto"/>
<controls:PayerHeader Grid.Row="0" />