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wierd initial diagram width


we face a problem with the internal diagram content width calculation - the container ( _content ) does have the correct size but all childs have wrong width values.

it looks like right boundary is not correctly calculated - unfortunately we couldnt reproduce it in an separated example.

please check the record

this problem get fixed by resizing the browser window - is there any way to force the diagram to redraw / recalculate it size ?

Attachment: diagram_width_582860d3.zip

3 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

BR Balavignesh RaviChandran Syncfusion Team March 24, 2023 08:03 AM UTC

We were unable to reproduce the reported issue on our end. We have attached a sample and video for your reference. We suspect you're attempting to render the diagram with the width and height of a parent container. Please refer to the following documentation to achieve responsiveness with respect to the parent container.
If you believe the issue still exists, please make changes to the sample and provide us with the replication steps.

Attachment: Sample_b65c6a61.zip

Marked as answer

CH Christoph March 24, 2023 08:54 AM UTC

thanks for providing an example - unfortunately, im not able to reproduce the problematic behaviour outside of the framework we use. we notice that this only happen, if you start on this page - so this might be related to how the framework load css ( its delayed so some style might not be available / apply at initial load )

after some test, we use the Map inside of component approach to wait until everything is fully initialized.

thanks for bringing us to the right track :)

PR Preethi Rajakandham Syncfusion Team March 27, 2023 04:49 AM UTC

Hi Christoph,

Thank you for the update. Please let us know if you require any further assistance on this, we will be happy to assist you. 


Preethi R

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