The sample code used is available at https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-sgts1f?file=src%2Fapp.component.html,src%2Fapp.component.ts
Found couple of issues with Free text annotation as below:
Please refer the attached video.
We were able to reproduce the reported scenario “Free Text annotation fill color and status are missing while importing the exported XFDF annotation” and suspect this to be a defect. We will validate it and update further details in two business days on March 16, 2023.
We have confirmed the issue "Fillcolor of the freetext annotation is not preserved properly on XFDF import" and logged it as a defect. The fix for the issue will be available in our upcoming weekly NuGet release on April 05, 2023. You can track the status of the issue through the following link.
Feedback link: Fillcolor of the freetext annotation is not preserved properly on XFDF import | Issue Feedback
Disclaimer: "Inclusion of this solution in the weekly release may change due to other factors including but not limited to QA checks and works reprioritization."
The feedback link only mentions the fill color of the annotation. What about the removal of status?
Sorry for not mentioning the comment status missing issue in the feedback, it is fixed in our latest version 20.4.54. Kindly upgrade to that version to get the issue resolved.
CDN Links:
Sorry for the inconvenience. The fix for the reported issue "Fillcolor of the freetext annotation is not preserved properly on XFDF import" was not included in our latest weekly release. However, it will be included in our upcoming weekly release on April 12, 2023.
We have fixed the reported issue "Fillcolor of the freetext annotation is not preserved properly on XFDF import" and the fix for the reported issue was included in our latest weekly release v21.1.41. Kindly upgrade to that version to get the issue resolved.
CDN Links: