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How to print Japanese characters with PdfGraphics.DrawString

I loaded a PDF from PDF Viewer and was able to insert alphanumeric characters using PdfGraphics.DrawString. However, when I try to insert Japanese characters, it turns out to be blank. Can I insert Japanese characters in PdfGraphics.DrawString? If it is difficult, I would like to know how to insert characters including Japanese characters in PDF, even if it is by converting the characters to images.

1 Reply 1 reply marked as answer

IJ Irfana Jaffer Sadhik Syncfusion Team December 5, 2022 01:53 PM UTC

We have attached a sample to draw Japanese characters to the Pdf document. Please try this in your end and let us know the result.

Sample: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/NetCoreSample-24648820

Please follow the below links for more information:


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