npm install @types/ej.web.all@15.2.4 --save-dev |
I had the same problem as Joe and when I applied your advice that problems gone but now I have different problem:
ERROR in E:/Angular/syncfusion-ng/node_modules/@types/jquery/index.d.ts (7815,11): Interface 'JQueryDeferred<T>' cannot simultaneously extend types 'Deferred<T, any, any>' and 'JQueryPromise<T>'.
and many others which follow this problem but I believe that root of all others are in this line.
Can we have qiuck solution?
Best regards,
npm install --save-dev @types/jquery@3.2.7
I followed your instruction and now I am stucked with another error:
Best regards,
I followed your instruction and now I am stucked with another error:
ERROR in E:/Angular/syncfusion-ng/node_modules/@types/jquery/index.d.ts (69,18): Generic type 'JQuery<TElement, HTMLElement>' requires 2 type argument(s).Best regards,
Hi Djordje Radovanovic,
Try to use "@types/jquery": "~2.0.42"
Best Regards,
npm install --save-dev @types/jquery@3.2.7 |