We have an issue when zooming a chartwebcontrol.
When we zoom the chart, it takes long time to see the data zoomed and finally, the internet explorer is blocked. We have to kill the session.
We also tried it in Chrome but the result is the same, page blocked.
What could be the reason for happening this? Is any way to avoid this? Any fix? Any property that can we add to the control?
Our code is the following:
<syncfusion:ChartWebControl ID="chart" runat="server" AutoCleanupCacheExpiration="00:00:30"
BackColor="" ChartInterior="Gradient; Vertical; White; White" EnableXHTML="False"
PrimaryXAxis-LabelAlignment="Near" EnableXZooming="True" EnableYZooming="True"
Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="14pt" Series-DisableStyles="False" Series-ShouldSort="False"
Width="1010px" Height="570px" ShowLegend="true" LegendsPlacement="Outside" ShowToolTips="True" CalcRegions="True">
<Legend Alignment="Center" ItemsAlignment="Center" Orientation="Horizontal" Position="Bottom"
RepresentationType="StraightLine" BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="10" ItemsSize="25, 10" Spacing="10">
<PrimaryXAxis Crossing="NaN" DrawGrid="false" Margin="True"
GridLineType-ForeColor="169, 158, 205" LineType-ForeColor="169, 158, 205" TickColor="169, 158, 205"
TitleColor="Black" ForeColor="67, 125, 59" DesiredIntervals="11" />
<PrimaryYAxis DrawGrid="true" ForceZero="true" HidePartialLabels="true" GridLineType-ForeColor="169, 158, 205"
LineType-ForeColor="169, 158, 205" TickColor="169, 158, 205" TitleColor="Black"
ForeColor="67, 125, 59" />
<ChartArea TextRenderingHint="SystemDefault" AutoScale="True" Depth="10">
<ChartAreaMargins Bottom="2" Left="20" Right="30" Top="2" />
<ChartPlotAreaMargins Bottom="2" Left="2" Right="2" Top="2" />
Thank you in advance.