Embedding the Syncfusion Dashboard Viewer in an ASP.NET MVC Application
Dashboard Platform SDK
Nov 22, 2018
Syncfusion Dashboard Platform SDK provides support to change connection strings, which enables switching the data sources of the dashboard. This option is used while maintaining separate databases for work and production. You can easily change the dashboard data source connection from work to production without modifying the dashboards.
This video explains how to change the data connecting string on the fly, enabling you to switch the data connection from one server to another in an ASP.NET MVC project..
Changing data connection string in dashboards at runtime
Dashboard Platform SDK installation
Adding Dashboard Viewer to an ASP.NET MVC application
Creating ASP.NET projects using Syncfusion Dashboard Viewer ASP.NET Extensions
Dashboard Platform SDK
Nov 22, 2018
Dashboard Platform SDK
Nov 21, 2018
Dashboard Platform SDK
Nov 22, 2018