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Controlling the aspect ratio of the chart area

I would like to be able to control the Aspect Ratio of the plot area in a chart. My current specific need is to keep the area square and also have the axis ranges match. I can get the axis ranges to match while still getting some autoranging by processing the DimensionChanged event on one axis to set the Range on the other axis. Is there a straightforward way to get the plot area to be square (and possible to control the size of the plot area and have the overall control resize itself to accommodate a given plot area size)? Mark

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 15, 2004 01:32 PM UTC

Hi Mark, We will add a method that will allow you to explicitly control the chart area. We will add this before the next beta/rc release. Thank you for your choosing Syncfusion. Best regards, Daniel

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