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Hi, How is the OnGetCursor override used, the LinkLabelCell in the tutorial doesn't seems to work. Cheers, Eddie

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 25, 2003 09:07 AM UTC

What version of our software are you using? I tried the Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Grid\Samples\In Depth\DerivedCellControlTutorial sample with our latest code, and it seems to be changing the cursor to a handcursor where appropriate. The GridCellRendererbase.OnGetCursor should provide the cursor when GridCellRendererBase.HitTest returns a non zero value. (Otherwise, the current IMouseController object will provide the cursor.) There are other ways to provide a cursor. One is to implement your own IMouseController, and the other is to derive the grid and override OnGetCursor.

ED Eddie November 25, 2003 08:32 PM UTC

I am using 1.6.1 of syncfusion using .NET 1.1 on XP Just recompiled the sample as is using VS.NET 2003 and no hand when my mouse is over the column

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 26, 2003 05:10 AM UTC

This is not a problem for me using on 1.1 and XP. You can download this version from your support home page on our website.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 26, 2003 11:35 PM UTC

Downloaded, it works now. Thanks!!

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