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Multiple header and determining data selected data row

I'm using a data bound grid. I have three header rows. Each group of rows that represent a record has an ID in the first column. When my users double click on any cell in the grid I want to retrieve the ID for that row group. Thanks

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 5, 2003 06:54 PM UTC

So, is every 3 rows in the grid mapped to a single datasource record (as in our multirowrecord sample)? If so, given a rowindex, you can get the record position using GridBoundRecordState rs = grid.Binder.GetRecordStateAtRowIndex(rowIndex); int recPos = rs.Position; To get the rowindex, you can catch the CurrentCellControlDoubleClick and use code like this to find the rowindex.
int rowIndex, colIndex;
Point pt = this.grid.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
if(this.grid.PointToRowCol(pt, out rowIndex, out colIndex, -1))
      //rowindex has the row

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