Is it possible to allow a user to float a Form within a TabbedMDIManager and redock back to the manager.
What I am asking is basically the same functionality within the DockingManger, but also within the TabbedMDIManager. I would use the DockingManager, however, the docking manager will only allow me to add controls, and not multilple forms.
Arun Srinivasan
Syncfusion Team
October 10, 2003 03:59 PM UTC
There is no support to float MDI Child Forms that are tabbed in a Tabbed Mdi Manager. However, you can make a docked (using our DockingManager) control tab into the TabbedMDIManager. Our DockingManager does support docking Forms, so this will let you use forms and not just controls. But the caveat when you use forms is that they will not be MDI Child Forms, hence you will lose TabbedMdi features like menus merging with the main menu.
Desis Machino
October 10, 2003 05:08 PM UTC
> Our DockingManager does support docking Forms, so this will let you use forms and not just controls.
I tried to add a Form to the dockingManager however, when I do, I get an error "Cannot add a top level control to a control". I am attempting to add the form with the DockControl method (ie. dockingManager1.DockControl(form1, DockingStyle.Left, 200) )
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong, or could you point me to an example which has a documentmanager maintaining multiple forms.
Syncfusion Team
October 10, 2003 06:52 PM UTC
Hi Vikram,
Please set the TopLevel and TopMost properties of the hostform to true. In the docked forms, please set the TopLevel property to false and the FormBorderStyle property to FormBorderStyle.None enumeration value. This should do the job.
I have attached a sample application here which shows how this can be accomplished. Form1 is the hostform. Form2 and Form3 are docked as a tabbed group to the right. Form4 is docked to the top and Form5 is a auto-hidden docking window on the left. Let me know if this helps. Please feel free to contact us if you need any additional information. Thanks for choosing Syncfusion products.
Guru Patwal
Syncfusion Inc.
Chris Burke
November 23, 2009 09:31 PM UTC
I've run into this same issue, but setting the TopMost and TopLevel properties to true for the host form while setting them to false to the floating forms has solved this problem. It does, however, cause another problem. In run time the Application is always on top, as you would expect with setting the top most proerty to true, and anytime I undock a floating form, it falls behind the main form, and I can't see it. But these behaviors are unwanted. Is there another solution to this problem? Thanks.
Chris Burke
November 23, 2009 10:03 PM UTC
Never mind, I figures it out! Thanks.
Rajasekar B
Syncfusion Team
November 24, 2009 12:39 PM UTC
Thanks for the update.