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FormulaCell numeric format?

Can I set up the Forn\mulaCell numeric format? Or, can I use integer divide somehow? Oh, and the full list of formulas and expressions allowed would be appreciated ;)

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 26, 2003 08:35 AM UTC

To format a formulacell, you set the style's Format property. this.gridControl1.ColStyles[3].Format = "0"; this.gridControl1.ColStyles[3].CellType = "FormulaCell"; There is no integer diveide provided currently. You could add your own function to do such a calcultation, or youcould probably come up with a way of using the provide Round function to do it. As far as a list of provided functions, you can see them in this sample, Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Grid\Samples\Quick Start\FormulaGrid, along with sample usage. In the help, you can see them listed in the methods of the FormulaEngine class (if you remove the Compute prefix, you will get the name used to identify function in formulas). ms-help://Syncfusion.EssentialSuite/Syncfusion.EssentialSuite/Syncfusion.Grid~Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridFormulaEngine_members.html

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