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It seems that all of the GridControl.CurrentCell* events fire when only a single cell is changed.
In my grid I have (currently) a couple thousand cells (13 columns and more to be added) and I add a CurrentCellChanged or CurrentCellAcceptChanges or CurrentCellChanging to each and every cell (for testing purposes).
When I start to edit a cell, the Changing event repeatedly fires, and doesn't stop until I leave the cell. For the other 2, it looks like every single cell fires the event when any cell is modified.
Am I doing something wrong?
ADAdministrator Syncfusion Team June 19, 2003 06:08 PM UTC
Both CurrentCellChanging and CurrentCellChanged get fired with each keystroke. If you want an event that is fired only when the user indicates he is finished (by leaving the cell), then try CurrentCellValidating. It is a one-time event only for changed cells.
If for some reason, you want to turn off the change events, you can use
There event also grid.CurrentCell.SuspendEvent/ResumeEvents calls.
ADAdministrator Syncfusion Team June 19, 2003 10:12 PM UTC
Please note also that you have to subscribe to these events only once for all cells. "CurrentCell" is a object that represents any cell in the grid and only one cell can be the current cell at any time.
You can find out about the current cell position by inspecting the EventArgs passed to that event handler or by looking at CurrentCell.RowIndex/ColIndex.
In the 1.6 version there are some good samples under "Samples\CellTypes" where you can have a complete trace log of CurrentCellXXX events while editing a cell and navigating trough the grid.