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checkboxes - how do I change the value?

I have a column set as a checkbox, yet I can't change the value by clicking the checkbox.. I can change the CellValue in code, and it sticks, but it won't update the checkbox in the field, nor can I click the checkbox itself (well, I can, it just doesn't toggle the value).

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 10, 2003 02:24 PM UTC

Also make sure you have set teh checkboxoptions. This object tells the grid what to consider true and what to consider false for this cell.
this.gridControl1[1,1].CellType = "CheckBox";

this.gridControl1[1,1].CheckBoxOptions = new GridCheckBoxCellInfo("1", "0", "", false);

this.gridControl1[1,1].Text = "1";

this.gridControl1[3,1].CellType = "CheckBox";
this.gridControl1[3,1].CheckBoxOptions = new GridCheckBoxCellInfo("True", "False", "", false);

this.gridControl1[3,1].Text = "True";

If this is not the problem, is this a GriddataBoundGrid or a GridControl you are using?

TL Tom Langer June 10, 2003 04:51 PM UTC

Thanks, this will do the trick. I'm using the plain ol grid.

TL Tom Langer June 10, 2003 05:02 PM UTC

I spoke too soon... I tried out the code and a get an error: An unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in system.dll Additional information: 0 is not a valid value for Boolean. Here's the code I'm using: grdLineItems(tmpRow, 1).CellType = "CheckBox" grdLineItems(tmpRow, 1).CheckBoxOptions = New GridCheckBoxCellInfo("1", "0", "", True) grdLineItems(tmpRow, 1).Text = "0" looks the same as yours.. So I'm guessing some other problem? Any properties in the grid that prevent it from working? It's not readonly, I also know this because I can type free text in other cells.

TL Tom Langer June 10, 2003 05:07 PM UTC

Problem resolved.. The above code DOES work, I just had the value type of the column set to boolean, I set it to string and it's fine now.

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