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ComboBoxBarItem.Enter event and SelectedText property missing

Hello We would like to select the text in a XPMenus.ComboBoxBarItem control when the user places the cursor in the textbox. I find that the ComboBoxBarItem (and other controls) only exploit a few events, which makes it quite difficult to tweek the UI to ones needs.¨ Any Ideas? We have the Full Source Code version of Syncfusion Tools. Could we just make the textbox behind the ComboBoxBarItem public?

1 Reply

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team April 11, 2003 05:57 PM UTC

We actually want to make this the default behavior (selecting the whole text when the textbox gets focus). Note that the ComboBoxBarItem (like our other BarItems) is not a UI Control. Hence the difficulty. Regards, Praveen Ramesh

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